Early Growth by Rachel O'Neill
At her party the boy runs best with the hard-boiled egg. During
the obstacle course she meets him at the bird feeder on top of
which raisins are scattered. �I�m a bird,� she nibbles and the boy
really does bob and nod. Later he says, �we�re twins, and I can
telepathically read the thoughts in your head,� at which point she
makes a dent in his leg. It�s spring. Sometimes she hears an animal
cry as
the obstacle course she meets him at the bird feeder on top of
which raisins are scattered. �I�m a bird,� she nibbles and the boy
really does bob and nod. Later he says, �we�re twins, and I can
telepathically read the thoughts in your head,� at which point she
makes a dent in his leg. It�s spring. Sometimes she hears an animal
cry as
Early Growth by Rachel O'Neill
Reviewed by Unknown
5:07:00 AM
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